This is a list of the computer languages I know. It's in descending order of current familiarity. I find I can learn most computer languages in a very short time (hours to a day at most for simple tasks). A couple of things are included here that aren't strictly programming languages (e.g. HTML, RUNOFF), but they are all computer languages of some sort.
These languages are ones that I currently use on a regular basis.
These are languages I have recently (within the last ten years) written a large program or system in, but have since stopped using.
These are languages in which I have written large systems at some time in the past, but have not used extensively within the last ten years.
These are languages which I have learned and written programs in, but no substantial sized projects.
These are languages with which I am sufficiently familiar to understand programs others have written, even to the point of making basic modifications, but have yet to write a real program in, only toy programs.
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MAP Network Engineering
And finally, a random note:
My imaginary friend tells me you have serious mental problems.